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My BFF Jill (Amanda).

So I have this best friend and she’s kind of awesome.

There’s many types of best friends, you may have the free spirit bff, the dangerous bff, sister bff or even if you're mom is your bff. (That was way too many "bff"s in one sentence...) Well I happen to have the childhood/ long distance best friend. I actually talked to her last night about my first date ever…yes guys I’m pretty nervous about it. Luckily, I had her there helping me choose what outfit to wear via phone call and Snapchat. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Now we’ve always been on two completely different pages in life. She is newly married and loves her job as a hairstylist. I always thought she had it all figured out (not really, she’s a little cray)! Meanwhile she’s been patient with me, as I've continuously changed what I want to do! In April, it will be a year that I moved away from home and started exploring outside my comfort zone. She’s been incredibly supportive in everything I do.

I guess my point is that there’s so many things that I admire about her so I wanted to list my Top 10 Things I Love About My BFF Jill (Amanda) :

  1. No matter how busy we are, we always catch up. Whether it’s 1 day, 1 week later, or 1 months later. If she can’t find the time to call, she’ll make time, even if she has to call me when she’s in the shower. She’s a pro guys…

  2. Everytime I remind her about a classmate falling off the top of the risers in choir (choir kids know the struggle) she dies of laughter!!!!

  3. She has a terrible poker face, when something is super awkward, it's all over her face!

  4. When we first met, she just looked at me and said “want to play with glitter glue?” No judgement. We were 4 and 5 yrs old. Lol

  5. She lives an adventurous life. She always has plans but she's always running late so they never go as planned. Lol

  6. How much she loves her husband, it’s been inspiring to watch them grow together.

  7. She shares way too much TMI topics, you get used to it!!!

  8. One time she dyed her hand black while coloring my sister-in-law’s hair, and rocked it. It. Was. Hilarious.

  9. She has had the same number since the 6th grade, it's embedded in my memory. So Amanda if you're reading this, don't change it because if I'm ever in an emergency I'd be S.O.L.

  10. The main thing any best friend can do is just be there for you and she has always done that.

I don’t know how much of this anyone can relate to, but that’s my BFF JILL!! You learn to appreciate them more. Okay before this gets all lesbian lover-ish (too late?). Let me close this out by saying, I hope it made you appreciate your best friend and I encourage you to think of your top 10 list and tell them! Call them, send an email or make a gift out of it. It’s always nice to hear these compliments. So now I have to call her and make her cry with this list.

Yours truly,


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