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Stepping Stones.

Hi, I'm new at this so lets get started with an introduction!! :)

Well for all of you who have joined me here today, first off, I want to say thank you!! I began reading inspirational blogs when I was in a rough place, which wasn't too long ago. So if there is anyone else who just needs words of encouragement like I did then that's what I'm here for. Now I'm definitely an introvert but because of recent events, I decided it was time to let people see what's inside. I want to brush up on a few things that got me here. (Bare with me, I know you already saw the long paragraphs below!)

Hometown Glory- My hometown, ahh it's been a rocky road (mmm ice cream). I will always love the town that I grew up in. There wasn't a day, that I wasn't at a family BBQ, or out at the baseball/football fields for my older brother's games or just going to park to play volleyball with my closest friends/cousins. All that nostalgia built up, it was a great place to be. But once you get to an age where you have more clarity, of course it's natural to want to explore new places. I think we all feel that we outgrow our hometown. But do we stay or find someplace else to love and grow in? Tell me how you feel about your hometown!

Money- Although I would love to say money isn't the issue here, it is the source of all our problems. I always have to put a optimistic outlook on the thought of making money. Because this plays a huge part in "where I'm at today". Which btw physically, is 3 hours away from home. I come from a town just outside of Houston, Tx. So the best/dangerous/most paying job that most people make a living from is working in the refineries/plants. Where my dad has worked for over 25 years. We didn't get to do a lot of things growing up. However, I don't know how they managed to do it but, I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in school activites like choir and dance. My parents did what they could and it taught me the value of a dollar. With that said, we knew how blessed we were and understood that there are people who had it worse. It humbled me, that's one of many things that I am grateful for. Money is toxic and even if you have everything money can buy, it wont make you happy.

Career/School- So raise your hand if you have no idea what you want to do career wise? Anyone?...Well I know I can't be alone on this one according to's article on college readiness, "More than a quarter of 2012 graduates fell short of college readiness benchmarks that ACT sets for all four subjects, and 60 percent of students tested missed the mark in at least two of the four subjects, the report states". On top of that, I was a little bit of a slacker so I never took the initiative to learn or ask for help. I strongly encourage you to do so, go talk to a counselor or a teacher you think would be most critical about the advice they give. Because lets face it, you're in high school! Find the passionate teachers who are there to actually make a difference, not the ones who are just there for the paycheck (yes, they're out there!). It could make all the difference in the world. Like many, I was not prepared for the SATs ACTs, (no kind of Ts) or for college. I was the first one to go to an actual university. I had no knowledge on what to expect. College didnt work out for me, and that's okay. And don't ever think you can't go back to college either, if you're 18, 30 or 50+. You are strong and powerful when obtaining knowledge no matter what age! And hey, some people are successful without learning their craft in college, like bloggers ;)

So short version is: I miss my family/friends terribly, there is not enough money in the world to buy my happiness, and I failed. It took me a long time to accept that. But I knew the best thing for me was to move and find my own footing. I am currently a receptionist. It is no where near where I want to be, but it's a start. And that's the beauty in failing, is that you can always get back up and try again. There are always different outcomes and various things to learn about yourself. Anyways I didn't know this was going to be this long of a summary. So if you're still with me here, thank you for tuning in, kind human being!

Yours truly,


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